
Thursday, March 28, 2013

Illamasqua Blush in Hussy

  Firstly, I think the name of this blush is awful and I wish Illamasqua would rename it as I think it goes against what they stand for as a brand.  Ignoring that, Hussy is an amazing and unique colour which is why I was attracted to this in the first place.  This colour is so pretty that when I first ordered it from ASOS someone stole it straight off my front porch!  Luckily ASOS has the best customer service and sent me a new blush by express mail.

  Hussy is described as a hot pink by Illamasqua and while that is true there are hints of coral in it.  I'd say this blush is better described as a watermelon pink.  This is a colour I only tend to really reach for in the spring and summer as it pairs best with light or bright lip colours.  Hussy is a matte shade and although it's super pigmented it is easy to blend.

  I only need to apply Illamasqua blushes once and they last well through an 8 hour work day without any touch ups.  Out of all the blush brands I've tried I think Illamasqua blushes are the best quality and have the best selection of bright and unusual colours.  The one downside of this product is the packaging which is filmsy and bulky.  I have finished Illamasqua blushes before and find they last around a year with daily use.

Availability: ASOS and Sephora


  1. The name is a little odd, but I think I'll forgive it as it is so beautiful! It looks lovely on you. xo

    1. I would just feel funny answering "Hussy" if someone asked what blush I am wearing. Thank you :)

  2. I've heard so many great things about this colour. I'm after the blush duo they carry with Hussy and a more peachy tone. Sometimes the names are awkward, but I think the colour more than makes up for it =)

    1. I wish the duos were around when I got this because I have the peach blush (Lover) in full size packaging too. Both are great so I'd really recommend getting the duo!

  3. That's pretty, but I wouldn't want to buy it just because of the name. Is that weird? It looks pretty on you though!!

    1. No I totally understand! It's stupid of Illamasqua to name it something so offensive to women!

  4. Right that's it! My next higher end purchase is going to be an Illamasqua blusher! Which one would you recommend for everyday wear? Peachy pink? Once again this one looks so pretty :) xx

    1. I have Lover, Katie, Morale, and this one. I think Katie or Hussy are the best. Lover is nice but not unique enough to justify the price.

  5. Gorgeous colour!! Looks beautiful on you, such a fab pink! Xx

  6. Hahaha, it's like OCC naming one of their lip tars Hoochie. I just... no. Can't. Stop. No insulting names to women as a product name, PLEASE!

    1. Seriously! Especially since we're their target consumers.

  7. I like the crazy names as long as they don't use the B word. But I grew up with a grandma that thought Hussy was a baaaaaad word. But I guess I think of it in the historical sense of "painted women". Anywhooo. Lovely color, and I need to get me the duo!

    1. I'm a total prude so I hate Nar's dirty product names. It just seems stupid and trying too hard to shock. The duos look like such a great value!

  8. Its so pretty! But totally agree they should change the name! :) x

    1. Maybe it's worth writing too them to find out why they name it this.

  9. That looks so lovely on you! I can't believe someone stole it off your porch the first time though!

    And agreed on the name :/


    1. Thanks Sally :) Someone was stealing my mail for awhile so I now have to send my packages to my parents.

  10. Pretty! It does look like a coral pink. I love Illamasqua blushes! They're awesome.

    1. They really are the best. The pigmentation and texture are out of this world.

  11. Love the shade a lot, but hate the name!! So rude! xx

    1. Lol I'm glad I'm not the only one who hates the name!

  12. This shade has been on my wishlist for so long- gonna have to pull the trigger and snatch it up soon! Looks lovely on you :)


    1. I really recommend grabbing it or any of their other blushes.

  13. Illamasqua has become such a popular brand. One minute I never knew about it, and now I hear nothing but raves about their products!

    1. It could be that their products have only been in Canada since November. I've been in love with them ever since they came out.

  14. I adore this blush (I adore most of their blushers to be honest), it's a unique colour which I find rare in itself. On the topic of the name, I don't find it's particularly out of character for the brand when you consider the influences behind it. Back to the blusher, it really suits your skin tone and looks very fresh - great choice! x

    1. Yeah I don't think I've ever come across a blush like this shade before. I'm sure there's a story behind the name but without knowing much it puts me off. Thanks Vicky :)
